台股反彈近千點,今 (14) 日持續大漲百點,站穩萬四,外界關注限空令是否退場,金管會主委黃天牧表示,目前還不到這個時間點。

台股上週放量反攻,收在 14007.56 點,週線大漲 980.85 點,拉出一根長紅 K 棒,單週漲幅高達 7.53%,日均量也提升至 2419.53 億元,帶動指數重返萬四關卡、站上季線;今天持續走揚,最高漲到 14144.43 點。

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台灣房屋廣泰青島店今盛大開幕,由8年級生店東洪璨祥(圖中)領軍提供最強服務 (台灣房屋提供)

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AKB48 Team TP參與HITO快閃見面會。(圖/hit FM)

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臺灣抗癌協會第10屆「不倒騎士 騎出生命」單車環臺圓夢之旅,抗癌勇士昨日抵達中市衛生局附近的豐原福德宮,衛生局團隊熱情迎接參與環臺的各地抗癌鬥士們。衛生局表示,不倒騎士(癌友)們揮別罹癌陰霾,走出戶外,完成自行車環臺挑戰,證明快樂積極的心是對抗病魔的最佳解藥,盼透過此次活動,提醒市民規律運動及定期癌症篩檢的重要性。

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DUBLIN, IRELAND / ACCESSWIRE / November 7, 2022 / - Alkermes plc (Nasdaq:ALKS) announced the 2022 recipients of the Alkermes Inspiration Grants® program. Grants were awarded to nine nonprofit organizations working to address the needs of people living with alcohol dependence, opioid dependence, schizophrenia, bipolar I disorder and cancer. The selected programs also have a focus on addressing unmet needs in historically under-resourced or underrepresented communities with longstanding and widespread health disparities.

"This year's Alkermes Inspiration Grants recipients inspire us with their innovative approaches to providing critical support for people living with addiction, serious mental illness or cancer, as well as their caregivers and family members. These organizations have the potential to positively impact people across the U.S. and offer an opportunity to engage diverse communities in new ways," said Richard Pops, Chief Executive Officer of Alkermes.

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